AEHT - Projecto Taste

AEHT-Projecto Taste
Dear Sir/Madam,
The Turismo de Portugal is the portuguese national tourism authority integrated in the Ministry of Economy and Employment, with the mission to, among others, develop the Education and Training of the human resources in the Tourism sector.
The Qualification, Education and Certification Division promotes the training and certification of skills in various areas of Hospitality and Tourism and promotes the skills of human resources in the tourism sector. It also develops cooperation and technical assistance activities and ensures the operation of a national network of 12 Hotel and Tourism Schools.
We are seeking for partners to participate in the release of our latest and most ambitious project in Advance Training called "TASTE PORTUGAL".
Attached, we send the brochure and PowerPoint with all information, that we really would appreciate that you could disseminate through your communication channels.
Best regards,
Paulo Revés
Direção de Qualificação Formativa e Certificação
Departamento de Coordenação Técnica e Formação Avançada
Turismo de Portugal, I. P.
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Tel.: + 351 211 140 394 | Fax: +351 211 140 394